NWA selected seven WIC agencies to pilot projects grounded in racial equity as part of NWA’s work to advance racial equity through the Advancing Health Equity to Achieve Diversity and Inclusion (AHEAD) in the WIC project. These projects are guided by the promising practices that integrate a racial equity lens in WIC, identified in the former phase of the project.
The National WIC Association is pleased to introduce the seven WIC agency sub-grantees:
Sub-grantees will be implementing projects that promote health equity in WIC through Spring 2022. The AHEAD in WIC project's goal is to systematically build capacity within the broader WIC community to incorporate a health equity framework into WIC research, policy, and practice. Check back on this page for updates on sub-grantee projects.
In the initial phases of the project, NWA identified seven Health Equity Champions. They come from five of the seven USDA-FNS regions and have direct experience coordinating and implementing health equity projects within WIC. Health Equity Champions will be providing peer education and technical support to sub-grantees over the next year.
A grant from the Walmart Foundation funds this project. Walmart.org represents the philanthropic efforts of Walmart and the Walmart Foundation. Walmart.org works to tackle critical social and environmental issues and collaborate with others to spark long-lasting systemic change by focusing where the business has unique strengths.