National WIC Association

NWA Congratulates President-Elect Biden and Vice President-Elect Harris

November 9, 2020


Press Contact: Natalie Moran

Email: [email protected]

Rev. Douglas Greenaway, President & CEO of the National WIC Association, issued the following statement in response to the results of last week’s presidential election:

“The National WIC Association offers our sincere congratulations to President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris. In the midst of a global pandemic, Biden and Harris have demonstrated unwavering focus on access to healthcare, on controlling the COVID virus, tackling the climate crisis, and a steadfast commitment to rebuilding an economy for all Americans. In his acceptance speech, Biden noted that America can be defined in one word: possibilities. We look forward to partnering with the Administration to unleash a world of possibilities for America’s children.

“As WIC providers ensure that WIC services remain accessible, operating in modified, even makeshift ways throughout the pandemic, we know that there is a lot of work to be done for America’s families. An unacceptable level of families with young children continue to go hungry. Sensible proposals with bipartisan support to strengthen the federal nutrition safety net, stalled in the Senate, need to move forward. Congress and the Administration must also take steps to advance long-delayed program reforms to streamline access to child nutrition benefits – including online shopping for WIC families. And, building on the work that Vice President-Elect Harris started in the Senate, it is long past time that Congress tackles persistent racial inequities in maternal health for Black and Native women.

“It is a new decade for Americans, and we must double down on our efforts to ensure that the new generation is given every possibility to grow and lead healthy lives.”