National WIC Association


We provide valuable educational content for all levels of WIC staff through professional development courses, webinars, and training resources.


We invite NWA members to explore our various WIC-related webinars. We offer webinars on Thursdays from 3:00 - 4:00 pm ET unless otherwise noted. See below for a schedule of upcoming webinars. 

You can also register for upcoming webinars and watch our archived webinars on-demand on the NWA Online Community Webinars Group. The community, including recordings of archived webinars, is for Local and State WIC agency staff with active NWA membership ONLY. If you have issues accessing the online community, please email us at [email protected]

NWA Webinars

To attend NWA webinars, you must register in advance. The links below will take you directly to registration. Upon completing your registration, you will receive a confirmation email. If you don't see that email, please check your spam/junk mail folder. We strongly recommend you add [email protected] and [email protected] to your email safe senders list to be sure you get your confirmation and other important emails about the webinar.

Upcoming Webinars:

Date: Thursday, April 3rd, 3:00pm ET


Title: WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program Landscape Scan Report Findings

Description: This webinar will present the findings of the WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) Landscape Scan Report conducted under the Increasing Access to Healthy Food through Farmers Markets grant. The presentation will expand upon findings in the Landscape Scan Survey administered to WIC State Agencies in Spring 2024 and in-depth interviews with WIC participants and farmers market staff conducted in Fall 2024 regarding FMNP practices across the nation. Learn about successes and challenges to implementation and redemption of FMNP benefits!

Speakers: Hanna Griffin, MS, Research & Evaluation Manager, National WIC Association 

Date: Thursday, April 10th, 3:00pm ET


Title:  WIC's Cost Saving Benefits - A Look at the Research

Description: This webinar will cover findings from a study in TX that examined the cost saving benefits of WIC.

Speakers: Ali Hard, MS, RD, NWA Public Policy Director, Amanda Hovis, TX State Nutrition Coordinator, Beth Beaudin-Seiler, PhD, Altarum

Date: Tuesday, June 17th, 3:00pm ET


Title:  Understanding heavy metals data and foods for infants and young children - Hosted by Gerber

Description: This presentation will explore the presence of heavy metals in the environment and their potential pathways into the food supply. We will discuss the latest updates from FDA's Closer to Zero Action Plan, which aims to minimize dietary exposure to these metals, while emphasizing the importance of dietary variety and nutrient adequacy. Experts will help you understand heavy metal test results that are now available to families. You will also learn how to access valuable resources to help you support WIC participants who have questions about heavy metals and foods.

Speakers: Dr. Katarzyna (Kasia) Kordas, PhD, Associate Professor at University at Buffalo, Department of Epidemiology and Environmental Health & Lyndsey Huss, MS, RDN, Nutrition Science Manager at Gerber Products Co.

All live attendees will receive the following within approximately one week of the live webinar broadcast:

  • A link to the Webinar Recording on the NWA Online Community (for members only)
  • Slides (If approved by the Presenter to Share)
  • Certificate of Attendance
  • CDR and/or IBCLC Continuing Education Certificate (If offered)

Have a webinar question or idea? Email us: [email protected].