National WIC Association

2025 NWA Annual Education and Training Conference

April 22-April 25, 2025

About the Conference

In 2025, we celebrate a momentous occasion as the National WIC Association (NWA) turns 40! For four decades, NWA has been at the forefront of advocacy, innovation, and empowering families through WIC. We invite you to join us in Las Vegas, Nevada, from April 22-25, 2025, for an incredible opportunity to commemorate this milestone and reflect on the transformative work of the past 40 years. 

The theme of the conference is Engage, Inspire, Energize. Celebrate the milestones we’ve achieved together with sessions honoring four decades of empowering WIC providers, participants, and families. This is a moment to reflect on the transformative impact of WIC and to look ahead toward the program's future.

Our conference will explore critical topics such as policy advancements, innovative program delivery, cutting-edge technology, research insights, and communication strategies to enhance service delivery, food package nutrition, shopping experiences, and participant outcomes. With the need for WIC greater than ever, we’ll share tools and strategies to meet the evolving needs of WIC providers and the diverse families they serve.

Attendees will have the chance to network, learn, and celebrate with over 1,200 WIC providers, colleagues, partners, and USDA representatives. Gain practical resources and professional development to support your work in addressing the needs of low-income families and advancing WIC’s mission.

Since the first WIC clinic opened in Pineville, Kentucky, in 1974, we’ve grown WIC into the nation’s most effective public health program. Together, let’s celebrate 40 years of advocacy, innovation, and impact—and continue building WIC’s legacy as a multi-generational solution to empower families across the country.

As we Engage with one another, Inspire new ideas, and Energize the future of WIC, let’s honor this incredible milestone and ensure WIC continues to thrive for decades to come.

Date: Tuesday, April 22 - Friday, April 25, 2025

We look forward to celebrating with you in Las Vegas!

See you in Las Vegas!

For questions, please contact the NWA National Office at [email protected]

Registration Details

Registration for the 2025 Annual Confernece! 

Registration Fees: Regular Rate Extended! Will close on April 4. 

Registration Type

Early Bird Rates - ENDS Feb 19

Regular Rates - BEGINS Feb 20 - Ends March 19

NWA Member






NWA Partner 



USDA Staff



Speaker & Poster Presenter



State Host (Nevada)



Student or Retired



NWA Member – BULK (10- 20)



NWA Member – BULK (21- 40)



NWA Member – BULK (21- 40)




To receive the BULK rate discount!

  • To be considered a BULK group you must have ten (10) or more from one facility. All must be entered at the same time.
  • You must be an NWA Member to receive the group discount.
  • Group promotions/discounts are not retroactive and cannot be applied to previously purchased individual registrations. No exceptions.
  • Enter "BULK" in the Promo Code Box, and the system will automatically apply the discount. 


Last Chance Registration Fees (Starting March 20, 2025)

Registration Type

Starts March 20

Registration Closes April 14

NWA Member




USDA Staff


Speaker & Poster Presenter


State Host


Student or Retired



  *No discounts are available at the last chance rate. This includes speaker and host rates.

 Registration will close on April 14, 2025.

Click Here to Register Now 


Payment Details

  • Please see our payments information page on the NWA website.
  • Payment by debit/credit card is most preferred followed by check!
  • If paying by check, full payment is due by March 20, 2025.
  • No POs will be accepted!
  • Starting March 21, 2025 all payments must be submitted by Debit/Credit Card.
  • The final deadline for registration is April 14, 2025.
  • Attendees MUST be paid in full by the deadline to access the Conference. 

Cancellation and Refund Policy

  • Deadline for receipt of cancellations: 11:59 p.m. ET on March 20, 2025
  • Cancellations must be submitted in writing to [email protected] and should include the registration ID number and registrant name(s).
  • Cancellations are not accepted by phone.
  • Cancellations received before February 19 will receive a 100% refund.
  • Cancellations received starting February 20 will receive a 50% refund.
  • No refunds will be issued for cancellations received after March 20, 2024.
  • Promotions/discounts are not retroactive and cannot be applied to previously purchased individual registrations. Limit one special offer/discount code per registration.
  • Refunds are not issued for no-shows.

Make Checks Payable to the National WIC Association

National WIC Association
Attn: NWA Annual Education and Training Conference Registration
1099 14th Street, NW Ste. 510
Washington, DC 20005 

NWA’s federal tax ID is 52-1482678 

Please find more detailed information on payments here

How to Register and Access your NWA account

  • Registrations are processed via our web-based system. 
  • Each registrant must have or create a profile (account) to register online. 
  • Please make sure each user’s email address is correct before registering!
  • Credit card payments will be processed via our secure stripe site.
  • Registrants using a Purchase Order (PO) or check, must select the "Bill Me Later" option from the online registration system when registering.
  • The system will automatically email a registration confirmation to the email provided. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please contact [email protected].
  • You may print invoices, receipts, and event confirmations and view other personalized NWA information and activities by logging into your My NWICA account.

Log in:

  • Visit and click "Log in" in the top right corner of the homepage.
  • Then enter your username (your email) and password.
  • Click on the Purchases Tab, and you will be able to view/print copies of your invoices and receipts.


Create an account (for those that do not have an account)



Contact the conference team at [email protected]



Please Click here to Access the Draft Agenda 

When considering your travel, please consider the following

  • The conference will officially kick off with an opening General session on the afternoon of Tuesday, April 22.
  • Registration will open for a few hours on Monday, April 21.
  • The Conference will end on Friday, April 25, 2025 between 12:00PM – 1:00PM.

*Subject to change

Conference will take place in person only. 


Hotel Information

Host Hotel – Rio Las Vegas (Hyatt Property)

The Rio Las Vegas is pleased to accept hotel reservations for the upcoming 2025 NWA Annual Education and Training Conference. To receive special rates and features, you must book through our dedicated booking website created especially for NWA Attendees! We encourage you to make your room reservations early to ensure that you will be in the host hotel at the guaranteed room rate starting at $140 (plus taxes and fees). The deadline to secure rooms is March 20, 2025, or once the reserved block has reached capacity.


Click Here to Make Reservations



Benefits of booking at the Rio Las Vegas

  • Special negotiated room rates starting at $140 (plus taxes and Fees)
  • The standard Resort Fee of $40 per night is waived when booking through NWA’s room block
  • Guaranteed renovated room in the Ipanema Tower
  • We want to ensure your stay is as comfortable as possible. To do so, please make sure to book within NWA’s room block. Otherwise, you may risk not securing a renovated room at this great rate.
  • New Rooms, New Pool, New Vibes
  • Stay at the official conference hotel with other conference attendees    
  • Easy access to the conference
  • Networking opportunities
  • Save time booking    
  • Support the conference and NWA by staying at the official conference hotel.
  • Complimentary basic wireless internet in the meeting space


Resort Fee Includes

  • The standard Resort Fee of $40 per night is waived. Group attendees will still receive the following amenities:
  • Two (2) Guest admissions per day to the Fitness Center (does not include use of the Spa)
  • Property-wide (to include Meeting Space) wireless Internet access for up to two (2) devices per room, per day.
  • Access to all pool facilities when in season, provided Hotel’s age-related restrictions are met by users.
  • Complimentary parking


Renovated Run of House (ROH)

King Rooms will be offered. This means the hotel selects the room type depending on what they have in inventory. However, in this case the hotel has shared they will do their best to offer these as king rooms! Please note, this is not guaranteed.


Hotel Policies:

  • All reservations must be accompanied by a first night room deposit or guaranteed with a major credit card. 
  • Upon checking in, each guest will be asked to provide a valid government issued ID and a major credit card to guarantee your room reservation.
  • At the time of check-in, each guest will be required to present a major credit card whose brand is accepted by Hotel, on which Hotel may place a hold in accordance with Hotel’s standard procedure or process a prepayment in the amount of the guest’s estimated charges, if prepayment has not already been made.
  • Room cancellations must be received at least 72 hours prior to your arrival date to avoid being charged the first night's room rate and applicable taxes.
  • Early departure fee will be charged if a guest checks out prior to their confirmed departure date without notifying the front desk by 12:00 midnight the day after check-in.


Rio Las Vegas

3700 W Flamingo Rd

Las Vegas, NV 89103

United States

Reservations 866-746-7671


ALERT: Beware of Housing Scams!

Be aware of nonofficial housing companies that contact exhibitors and attendees claiming to be able to secure hotel rooms at a better rate. These “poachers” are not authorized to represent NWA. If you are contacted by another housing company trying to sell hotel rooms, please share with [email protected].

Abstract Call

The National WIC Association (NWA) is turning the big 4-0 and we’re inviting WIC staff and participants to submit abstracts for our 2025 Annual Education and Training Conference. This event is a prime opportunity to enhance your professional skills, expand your knowledge, and prepare for current and future WIC challenges and opportunities.  

The National WIC Association welcomes proposals from all. Submissions from WIC staff, WIC participants, or those featuring WIC staff or WIC participants as co-presenters will receive preference in the review process.

NWA ensures quality educational content for IBCLCs and RDN/DTRs that meets IBCLE and CDR requirements. To comply, sessions must be free of marketing, promotional content, bias and any conflicts of interest must be disclosed for transparency. Having a conflict of interest does not disqualify a presenter. If you are interested in promotional opportunities, please email [email protected].

Abstract Submission Deadline: December 4, 2024 (Extended from November 15)

Session Topics! 

  • Advocacy & Policy

  • Breastfeeding Promotion & Support

  • Nutrition Education

  • Outreach & Community Partnerships

  • Leadership, Management & Workforce Development

  • Research, Data, & Evaluation

  • Technology, Innovation & Modernization

When submitting an abstract you will be asked for the following.

  • Abstract details: Title, Abstract proposal, short description (used to share with the public if selected), format (60-minute oral, 30-minute power, poster), objectives. 
  • Tip: Your proposal should be engaging and thorough. Think of an elevator pitch. 
  • Speaker details: Contact Information. Please note, there is a maximum of 3 presenters per presentation.
  • Speaker Disclosure/Conflict of interest Policy (this includes non-presenting authors)
  • Accept Media Disclaimer

The National WIC Association is committed to promoting equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging (EDIB) in all aspects of our work. Abstracts submitted for the conference should incorporate these values into their content. Authors should be able to describe how they will utilize diverse and inclusive content, language, and references. Our committee will evaluate the submission to ensure that content, language, and references focus on EDIB principles.

Presentation Formats

  • 60 Minute Oral: 45 minutes with 15-minute Q&A
  • 30 Minute Power Session: This session will be paired with another presentation of the same track. Each presenter/group will have 23 minutes to present. Total session combined 60 minutes. Moderator will hold Q&A until the end of the full session.
  • Poster Presentation: Poster presenters will print and bring their posters with them to the conference. There will be dedicated time for attendees to visit with presenters during breaks.

Before you begin, you must set up your profile in Ex Ordo. Once you are logged in you will navigate to the Submit Your Abstract link to get started. Submissions may be up to 300 words. For more information on how to submit an abstract see this guide. Check out this helpful article when it comes to submitting an abstract. 

Click here to Submit Abstract! 

Tip: When using Ex ordo, please use Chrome. You also may need to clear your cache from time to time.

Important Deadlines

Please, add the following important dates to your calendar if accepted.

  • December 1 (extended from November 15): Abstract Submission Deadline
  • Week of January 13: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
  • January 23: Speaker Confirmation/Acceptance
  • February 3: Online Speaker Details Due – First Draft of Agenda Posted
  • February 19: Registration & Housing deadline for Presenters
  • March 7: Presentation Submission deadline
  • April 22 – 25: 2025 NWA Annual Education and Training Conference

Before Submitting an Abstract

By submitting an abstract to be considered for the conference you acknowledge that all presenting authors are responsible for their own registration, travel, and hotel costs.

  • Discounted Presenter Registration Rate: $429
  • We have negotiated a discounted rate with the hotel of $140 plus taxes and fees per night.

By agreeing to present, you acknowledge that your session may be scheduled for presentation on any of the 4 days of the conference, which runs from April 22 - 25. You must be available all days. Please note that these days are Tuesday – Friday. Your session date and time will be confirmed once the program is finalized.

Contact Information

If you have any questions regarding this process or the conference in general, please contact our Conference Support Team at [email protected]

Click here to Submit your Abstract! 

Letter of Support from USDA-FNS

On behalf of Amy Herring, the Director of Office Innovation for Supplemental Nutrition and Safety Programs, NWA received a letter supporting the 2025 Annual Education and Training Conference taking place in Las Vegas. This letter confirms that WIC Program funds may be used to fund registration and travel fees for this conference.

View the letter here

Exhibitor/Sponsor Information

We invite you to participate as an exhibitor and/or sponsor at our 2025 NWA Annual Education and Training Conference in Las Vegas, NV April 22-25, 2025.

It is an opportunity for you to meet and build relationships with clients and more – acquaint yourself with existing clients who use your products and services. Among the over 1000 WIC community members who are expected to attend this conference are key decision makers representing the US Department of Agriculture, the 88 state and ITO WIC agencies, and over 2,200 local WIC agencies from across the nation.

Now Available! Conference Prospectus

Ready to Order? Click here to complete the online order form

Exhibit Hall Floor Map (Scroll to the right and below exhibit hall map to see which booths remain available)

For questions, please reach out to [email protected]

Why Exhibit?

If you are seeking to introduce your products and services or an alternative promotional strategy to a new or existing audience, this conference offers several affordable options to meet your marketing needs.

By exhibiting and/or sponsoring at this conference, you will:

  • Create new client relationships with WIC decision makers from across the nation;
  • Strengthen and build upon existing customer and client relationships;
  • Increase visibility for your company/organization in a targeted market;
  • Promote and market your products and services;
  • Reach prime target market segments for your products and services; and
  • Demonstrate your commitment to promoting quality public health nutrition for women, infants and children.

Key Dates to Remember:

  • March 20, 2025: Exhibit Application & Full Payment Due
  • March 20, 2025: Exhibit Cancellation Date with 25% Penalty
  • March 20, 2025: Hotel Reservations Cut-off Date
  • March 20, 2025: Exhibitor Registration Deadline
  • April 21 & 22, 2025: Exhibitor Move-in & Set-up
  • April 24, 2025: Exhibitor Tear-down & Move-out

Note: If full payment is not received by March 20, 2025, NWA has the right to reassign the exhibit booth to another exhibitor.

For questions, please reach out to [email protected]

Exhibit Dates/Hours:

Schedule Subject to Change

Date Activity Hours

Monday, April 21st 

Tuesday, April 22nd 

Move in and Setup

Monday 3:00 PM - 6:00PM

Tuesday 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Tuesday, April 22nd 

Exhibit Hall Opening Reception

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Wednesday, April 23rd

Exhibit Hall Hours

7:50 AM - 4:15 PM

Thursday April 24th

Exhibit Hall Hours

7:15  AM - 3:50 PM

Thursday, April 24th 

Exhibitor Teardown & Move-Out

3:50 PM - 6:00 PM

For questions, please reach out to [email protected]


Sponsor/Exhibitor Packages 

Standard booths are 8x10 in size, each booth includes pipe and drape, one six-foot table and two chairs and two exhibitor booth passes. Diamond and Platinum level sponsor booths are 8x20 in size, which include pipe and drape, and two 6 foot tables and 4 chairs. 

Electrical, internet, power and additional equipment are not included and are available at an additional cost.

For questions, please reach out to [email protected]

Learn more about Partnership here. Benefits include discounts on booths.

Thanks to Our Sponsors!





Safe Kids Worldwide (@safekids) / X 









NWA Conference Policies

By registering for this conference, you agree to all conference policies.


General Policies

  • All individuals and/or entities are strictly prohibited from electronically recording or broadcasting any Conference events without prior written consent from NWA.
  • Press representatives attending a Conference must register and receive a Press Pass and photo/recording permission from NWA.
  • Seating at all sessions/events during Conferences is on a first come, first served, basis, excepting certain seats which may be reserved for those with disabilities, or at the discretion of NWA.
  • Information presented in sessions and posters during a Conference may or may not represent the views or standards of NWA.
  • In the event of any cancellation of a Conference, NWA shall not be held liable for any costs, fees, damages, or losses to registrant beyond a refund of any registration fee paid by Registrant to attend such cancelled Conference (with any refund subject to deductions both as set forth herein and to reflect the partial providing of a Conference prior to cancellation).
  • In the event the attendee is a “no-show,” the attendee is responsible for all fees and penalties in connection with being a “no-show.”
  • NWA is not responsible for finding, securing, or returning items lost during the Conference to Registrant.
  • NWA does not claim to be allergen free. Registrants are encouraged to take all necessary medical precautions to prepare for the possibility of exposure to allergens.
  • We kindly ask Registrants who are parents and guardians of children under 18 to complete a waiver of liability if they plan to bring their child to the conference venue. Please reach out to [email protected] to receive such waiver.
  • Anyone ten (10) years of age or older attending the Conference must have a conference badge. Fees may be applicable. Please reach out to [email protected] for assistance with registration.
  • Only individuals and entities which have registered as Exhibitors are permitted to distribute promotional materials or advertise their business during the Conference. While NWA acknowledges and encourages networking and making connections, attempts by a Registrant to act in a capacity similar to an Exhibitor is not permitted. Any Registrant who violates this is subject to removal, without refund, from the Conference, and having both Registrant and any company employing or contracting with Registrant prohibited from attending and being an Exhibitor at future NWA events and conferences.


Cancellation & Refund Policy

  • Deadline for receipt of cancellations: 11:59 p.m. EDT on March 20, 2025
  • Cancellations must be submitted in writing to [email protected] and should include the registration ID number and registrant name(s).
  • Cancellations are not accepted by phone.
  • Cancellations received before February 19, 2025, will receive a 100% refund.
  • Cancellations received starting February 20, 2025, will receive a 50% refund.
  • No refunds will be issued for cancellations received after March 20, 2025.
  • Promotions/discounts are not retroactive and cannot be applied to previously purchased registrations. Limit one special offer/discount code per registration.
  • Refunds are not issued for no-shows.
  • If registration balance is not paid, a hold will be placed on Registrant’s account, preventing Registrant from accessing your NWA Membership Benefits.
  • Full payment is due no more than four (4) weeks after initial registration submission.
  • If payment is not submitted within four (4) weeks after Your initial registration Your registration is subject to cancellation. 
  • If canceled, NWA will not honor the original rate. Registrants must submit a new registration.
  • NWA reserves the right to cancel or postpone any or all Conference activities due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of NWA, which includes, without limitation, computer-related attacks, hacking, earthquakes, governmental regulation, fire, flood, labor difficulties, civil disorder, public health crisis, acts of terrorism, or acts of God (“Force Majeure Events”). In the event the Conference is canceled due to Force Majeure Events, NWA reserves the right to either retain the entire registration fee and credit it toward a future NWA event for Registrant or reimburse the Registrant after deducting costs already incurred by NWA, which could not be recovered from third parties.


COVID-19 Policy (No Vaccination Requirements)

NWA’s priority is to create a safe environment for all that are in attendance. The precautions that NWA has put in place for a safe conference experience do not rule out the risk of breakthrough infections. NWA shall not be held liable for COVID-19 cases arising because of event attendance.

  • NWA will no longer require proof of vaccination to attend an in-person meeting or event. 
  • Mask-wearing at meetings and events is encouraged but optional.
  • NWA expects attendees to take responsibility for following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on measures to reduce infection from COVID-19 and to protect against severe complications. 
  • NWA encourages attendees to follow the CDC’s recommendations and guidelines.
  • Please do not attend if you test positive or have symptoms of COVID-19. NWA will not require proof of negative test; however, we expect all individuals to act responsibly and consider the health and safety of others.

NWA’s Meetings & Events Entry Policy is subject to change based on COVID-19 community levels and any updated guidance from CDC and/or federal or state officials. NWA may update these requirements at any time at its sole discretion.


Privacy Policy

Data privacy and security are important to us. When You register for this Conference, NWA will process Your data in accordance with NWA’s legitimate interests for hosting an industry event and for being a community-based organization. Please review our privacy policy, available on the NWA website, including how to exercise your rights.

In the event You register with a hotel offering a discounted or reduced rate for conference attendees, You expressly agree to allow such hotel to provide information regarding Your stay to NWA for the purposes of allowing NWA and the hotel to verify any and all contractual obligations between NWA and the hotel have been met.


Liability Waiver

You understand that travel and gathering involves risk of sickness, including sickness from COVID-19 and injury. You (and on behalf of Your guest(s) waive, release and shall hold harmless and indemnify, NWA and its sponsors and exhibitors, and their employees and agents, from and against claims, liabilities and expenses arising from injury, sickness or death due to travel to or attendance at the Conference.

This waiver and release is binding on You and Your heirs and successors.


Code of Conduct

NWA is a listening organization focused on its participants. The Conference is designed to increase interaction, engagement, collaboration, connectivity, and community, in a fun and safe environment.

We value the participation of each member of the community and endeavor to deliver an enjoyable and fulfilling experience. Conference participants are expected to conduct themselves with integrity, courtesy and respect for others and maintain the highest level of professionalism at all conference programs and events, whether officially sponsored by NWA or not. All attendees, guests, speakers, organizers, volunteers, partners, vendors, and staff at any NWA event are required to observe the following Code of Conduct.

NWA is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form. All communication should be appropriate for a professional audience including people of diverse backgrounds and cultures. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for the conference.

Be kind to others. Do not insult or defame participants. Harassment in any form, sexist, racist, or exclusionary jokes are not condoned at NWA Events.

Participants violating these rules may be asked to leave the conference at the sole discretion of NWA and shall not receive any refund or repayment. Thank you for helping to make this a welcoming event for all.


Media Disclaimer 

NWA intends to record, take photographs and video of this event for use in NWA news, educational material, and promotional material, in print, electronic and other media, including the NWA websites. By participating in this event, You grant NWA the right to use any image, photograph, voice, or likeness, without limitation, in its promotional materials and publicity efforts without compensation. All media becomes the property of NWA. Media may be displayed, distributed or used by NWA for any purpose.


ALERT: Beware of Housing Scams!

Be vigilant and aware of nonofficial housing companies that contact exhibitors and attendees claiming to be able to secure hotel rooms at a better rate. These “poachers” are not authorized to represent NWA.