National WIC Association

Public Charge and Immigration Resources

Congress and the Administration have been contemplating changes to immigration policy, some of which could directly impact WIC participants. As clinics face a number of new questions from participants, NWA has assembled the resources below to assist WIC staff. Please feel free to reach out to NWA with any questions or concerns.

Please keep NWA informed!

NWA can be more effective in supporting clinics if we understand the concerns that participants are voicing each day. Whenever your clinic faces a concern around immigration policy, please fill out this survey to document the incident and inform NWA’s broader advocacy efforts.



WIC is not and has never been a factor in public charge determinations. In 2019, the Trump Administration expanded the public charge test to identify potential use of programs like Medicaid and SNAP among several other factors. This policy was overturned by the Biden Administration. Neither the Trump or Biden Administration's public charge policy included WIC.

Read our Public Charge Fact Sheets in English, Spanish, and Arabic.

Immigration Attorney Resources

Participants may have questions about immigration policy that go beyond the scope of WIC. Clinic staff may wish to encourage participants to reach out to an immigration lawyer. You can find a lawyer in your area at:

Research and Studies