National WIC Association

WIC State Programs

There are 89 USDA State WIC Agencies in Seven Regions; 50 States, 33 Indigenous State Agencies, 5 Territories, and the District of Columbia. See the map.

See our latest State of WIC Report for more information on the current issues facing the WIC program as well as fact sheets on each of the State Agencies.

Mid-Atlantic Region

  • District of Columbia Department of Health (DOH)-WIC (DC)
  • Delaware WIC Program - Delaware Health and Social Services (DHHS) (DE)
  • Maryland WIC Program (MD)
  • New Jersey State WIC Program (NJ)
  • Pennsylvania Department of Health-WIC (PA)
  • Puerto Rico Department of Health - WIC (PR)
  • Virginia Department of Health (VA)
  • West Virginia Bureau for Public Health (WV)

Mountain Plains Region

  • Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CO)
  • Ute Mountain Ute Tribe (CO)
  • Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Nutrition and WIC Services (KS)
  • Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (MO)
  • Montana Department of Public Health, DPHHS (MT)
  • North Dakota Department of Health, Nutrition and Physical Activity (ND)
  • Standing Rock Sioux Tribe - WIC Program (ND)
  • Three Affiliated Tribes/WIC Program (ND)
  • Nebraska Dept. of Health and Human Services (NE)
  • Omaha Nation WIC Program (NE)
  • Santee Sioux Nation WIC Program (NE)
  • Winnebago Tribe WIC Program (NE)
  • Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe-WIC (SD)
  • Rosebud Sioux Tribe (SD)
  • South Dakota Department of Health WIC Program (SD)
  • Eastern Shoshone WIC Program (WY)
  • Northern Arapaho Tribe WIC Program (WY)
  • Wyoming Department of Health-WIC Program (WY)

Mid-West Region

  • Iowa Department of Public Health (IA)
  • Illinois Dept. of Human Services - Bureau of Family Nutrition (IL)
  • Indiana State Department of Health -WIC (IN)
  • Michigan Dept. of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Family Health Services (MI)
  • Minnesota Department of Health (MN)
  • Ohio Dept. of Health - Bureau of Nutrition Services (OH)
  • Wisconsin WIC Program (WI)

Northeast Region

  • Connecticut WIC Program (CT)
  • Massachusetts Department of Health - WIC Program (MA)
  • Maine State WIC Nutrition Program Dept. of Health and Human Services (ME)
  • New Hampshire State WIC Program (NH)
  • New York State Department of Health (NY)
  • Pleasant Point Reservation WIC (ME)
  • Rhode Island State Department of Health - WIC (RI)
  • Virgin Island Department of Health-WIC (VI)
  • Vermont Department of Health-State WIC (VT)

Southeast Region

  • Alabama Department of Public Health - Division of WIC-State (AL)
  • Florida Department of Health - State Agency (FL)
  • Georgia State WIC Program (GA)
  • Kentucky Dept. of Public Health, Nutrition Services Branch (KY)
  • Louisiana Dept. of Health - Office of Public Health (LA)
  • Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians - State Agency (MS)
  • Mississippi State Department of Health Bureau of WIC (MS)
  • Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (NC)
  • North Carolina WIC (NC)
  • South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control Division of WIC (SC)
  • Tennessee Department of Health (TN)

Southwest Region

  • Arkansas Department of Health (AR)
  • Arizona Department of Health Services (AZ)
  • Inter-Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc. (AZ)
  • Navajo Nation WIC Program (AZ)
  • ACL WIC Program (NM)
  • Eight Northern Indian Pueblos Council - WIC (NM)
  • Five Sandoval Indian Pueblos, Inc. (NM)
  • New Mexico Health Department Family, Food and Nutrition Section (NM)
  • Pueblo of Isleta (NM)
  • Pueblo of San Felipe (NM)
  • Pueblo of Zuni - State Agency (NM)
  • Santo Domingo WIC Program (NM)
  • Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma (OK)
  • Chickasaw Nation (OK)
  • Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma (OK)
  • Citizen Potawatomi Nation (OK)
  • Inter-Tribal Council, Inc. of Oklahoma (OK)
  • Muscogee (Creek) Nation WIC Program- State (OK)
  • Oklahoma State Department of Health - Family Health Services - WIC Service (OK)
  • Osage Nation WIC (OK)
  • Otoe-Missouria Tribe (OK)
  • WCD Enterprises Inc. (OK)
  • Texas Health and Human Services Commission - WIC (TX)
  • Utah State WIC Program (UT)

Western Region

  • Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (AK)
  • American Samoa WIC (AS)
  • California Department of Public Health (CA)
  • Guam WIC Program - Dept. of Public Health and Social Services (GU)
  • Hawaii Department of Health (HI)
  • Idaho State WIC - IDHW Division of Health (ID)
  • Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands WIC Program (MP)
  • Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada-State Agency (NV)
  • Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health, WIC Program (NV)
  • Oregon Public Health Division - Nutrition and Health Screening (WIC Program) (OR)
  • Washington State Department of Health (WA)